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With your Samco account, you'll have the most leverage for trading and investing across all categories.
All types of traders and investors can benefit from Samco's innovative and effective leverage products. Plus items increase a trader's capital efficiency, ensuring that they never miss a trade.
With CashPlus, you can unleash the power of money.
CashPlus allows you to buy shares in delivery with up to 4X margin using your cash balance. Open a Samco account to take advantage of the highest delivery leverage in over 400 stocks.
With StockPlus, you can get margin on your stocks.
In the Equity Derivatives and Currency Derivatives Segments, StockPlus is a complete margin against shares trading account that enables trading limits against shares for intraday and positional trading. It can also be used as a trading account with no balance.
With BTPT, you can buy shares in delivery today and pay for them later.
Clients can acquire 300+ stocks in delivery with BTPT by paying a percentage of the margin now and the balance in two days.